
Aim. To evaluate the results of the program for management of ischemic heart disease registry in Altaisky kray in 2011-2015 y. Material and methods . The system was developed and implemented in 2011 as a pilot project, with software named “Monitoring + [Registry of CIHD]”. The project was planned as retro-, prospective observational cohort study. The registry was primarily tested on the bases of Regional Clinical Hospital and Altai Regional Cardiological Dispensary. From the beginning of 2014, other 28 institutions were involved into the registry. The work is being done continuously, with patients admission and investigation if fulfill the registry criteria. For statistics the descriptory methods were applied. Results and discussion . From 2011 to 2015, the data of 12886 patients was entered to the registry, with the diagnosis “ischemic heart disease”. Mean age — 65,1±9,9 y.o. Region capital citizens were 35,5% of the registry, and inhabitants of the Region — 64,5%. Two thirds were males. By the anamnesis data, there was significantly more persons after myocardial infarction — 7094 (p<0,01). Hightechnology care under “Cardiovascular surgery” unit was provided to 6115 (47,4%) patients. Medication treatment was done according to guidelines and standards for ischemic heart disease patients management. With the implementation of registry, availability of cardiovascular care for rural inhabitants improved: three times increased the volumes of outpatient stage high-technology care, and cardiosurgery increased 1,8 times. The decrease of cardiovascular mortality during last 5 years reached 18,6%. Conclusion . A universal approach has been formulated for a unified base of patients suffering from ischemic heart disease, that makes it to follow-up the epidemiological situation in districts of Region by disease, to find out the risk factors and correct them. With the Registry of CIHD, it is possible to analyze the performance of cardiological care, to influence on its qualitative and quantitative parameters. The necessity is shown, for the development of this monitoring system in all treatmentprevention institutions of the Region for equality in specialized care accessibility, including high-technology care.


  • From 2011 to 2015, the data of 12886 patients was entered to the registry, with the diagnosis “ischemic heart disease”

  • With the implementation of registry, availability of cardiovascular care for rural inhabitants improved: three times increased the volumes of outpatient stage high-technology care, and cardiosurgery increased 1,8 times

  • Объемы амбулаторной помощи кардиологическим больным за 5 лет выросли в 1,5 раза за счет ведения мониторинга и активного вызова пациентов с целью оценки динамики и течения различных форм ХИБС

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ПРОГРАММА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ РЕГИСТРОМ БОЛЬНЫХ ХРОНИЧЕСКОЙ ИШЕМИЧЕСКОЙ БОЛЕЗНЬЮ СЕРДЦА В АЛТАЙСКОМ КРАЕ. Оценить результаты работы программы управления регистром хронической ишемической болезнью сердца в Алтайском крае за 2011-2015гг. Сформирован универсальный подход к созданию единой базы для больных, страдающих ишемической болезнью сердца, что позволяет отслеживать эпидемиологическую обстановку в районах края по заболеванию, выявлять факторы риска и проводить их коррекцию. М.н., профессор кафедры терапии и общей врачебной практики, Никулина Е. АГ — артериальная гипертония, АК — антагонисты кальция, БСК — болезни системы кровообращения, ВМП — высокотехнологичная медицинская помощь, иАПФ — ингибиторы ангиотензинпревращающего фермента, ИБС — ишемическая болезнь сердца, ИМ — инфаркт миокарда, ЛПУ — лечебно-профилактические учреждения, ПО — программное обеспечение, ССЗ — сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, ФП — фибрилляция предсердий, ФР — факторы риска, ХИБС — хроническая ишемическая болезнь сердца, ХСН — хроническая сердечная недостаточность, ЭВМ — электронная вычислительная машина. Рукопись получена 24.02.2016 Рецензия получена 16.03.2016 Принята к публикации 28.03.2016

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