
The e-MUST registry has continuously and comprehensively documented ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions (STEMIs) managed in the prehospital setting by the 39 Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Services (SMUR) of the 8 Emergency Medical Assistance System (SAMU) and subsequently managed in the 36 interventional cardiology services in Île-de-France since 2000. This encompasses a population of over 12 million residents. To date, nearly 44,000 patients have been enrolled. The analysis of these findings reflects the real-world management of these patients and the evolution of their care. The results are shared annually with the investigators’ teams and have led to around twenty publications. The latest acquired results have demonstrated, in a series of over 630 patients aged over 90, that nonagenarians particularly benefit from prehospital coronary reperfusion decisions, resulting in a nearly 60% reduction in mortality.

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