
Jajo is a common name given for small pod hot pepper (<i>Capsicum frutescens</i> L.) variety with accession name of Acc#28. It is selected out of a local collection done during 2013 from West Wollega and Kellem Wolleg zones and released by Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center for production in West Wollega and Kellem Wollega Zones of West Oromia, Ethiopia and similar agro- ecologies in 2021. In multi-location trial, Jajo gave a mean dry pod yield of 1225.78kgha<sup>-1</sup>. Jajo performed better than the standard check, Dinsire, which gave 1010.65kgha<sup>-1</sup> mean dry pod yield. On farmers’ fields a mean dry pod yield of 1048.83 kgha<sup>-1</sup> was recorded for Jajo. Jajo is small pod hot pepper variety with sparse growth habit and up right pod orientation. It is a variety with light green at maturity and light red at dry pod color r used for market use and domestic consumption. Yield stability study showed that Jajo was stable variety in test locations and requires favorable environments for good pod yield. It is also moderately to major hot pepper disease (anthracnose and cercospora leaf spot) and insect pest. The breeder seed of Jajo is maintained by Haro Sabu Agricultural Research Center for different research purposes.

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