
Marriage and religion has a close connection to the Indonesian people in general. All religions regulate marriage because religion is the main foundation in living a domestic life. The state also regulates marriages based on religions that are recognized in Indonesia by issuing Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. However, with the existence of 6 recognized religions in Indonesia, it is possible for Indonesian people to have interfaith marriages. With the existence of people who do interfaith marriages, this is certainly a problem in marriage law in Indonesia. Regarding the focus of this research, which is to study how the practice registration of interfaith marriages at the civil registry office in Pekanbaru. The method used is empirical legal research. Research data was collected through field studies that discussed interviews with sources to obtain primary data and literature studies to obtain secondary data. The results showed that the practice of registering interfaith marriages conducted abroad at the Pekanbaru City Civil Registry Office did not look at the religion of each party, because the duties of the Office of Population and Civil Registry only recorded only in accordance with the regulations as contained in Article 35 letter a Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. As for the legal consequences that will have an impact on marital property status, status and position of children and inheritance relationships.

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