
Loss-of-function mutations in the granule-bound starch synthase gene result in an endosperm with a waxy appearance and a near absence of starch amylose. Three waxy grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] lines, AN641 (Reg. No. GS-741, PI 672150), BN641 (Reg. No. GS-742, PI 672151), and RN642 (Reg. No. GS-743, PI 672152) were developed jointly by the USDA–ARS and the Agricultural Research Division, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, and were released in June 2014. AN641 and BN641 have the waxyb (wxb) allele and are near-isogenic to ‘Wheatland’. RN642 has the waxya (wxa) allele and is near-isogenic to ‘Tx430’. Release of these lines with cytoplasmic male-sterile (A), maintainer (B), and fertility restorer (R) fertility reactions to A1 cytoplasm facilitates the production and evaluation of interallelic (wxb × wxa) waxy and heterowaxy [wxb × wild-type (WT) and WT × wxa] hybrids as a source of low-amylose starch for the ethanol and food industries.

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