
Botulinum toxin is sometimes injected into human eye muscles as an alternative to surgery in the correction of strabismus. Within minutes of botulinum injections into ungulate eye muscles, proprioceptive discharge from muscle spindles decreases dramatically. It is only over 7-48 h, however, that surgically treated strabismus patients usually show an altered proprioceptive signal about eye position, presumably from the palisade endings attached to the global multiply innervated fibers. How quickly will botulinum toxin alter proprioceptive registration of eye position in humans? First, to examine the short-term effects, we measured open-loop pointing responses (which requires knowledge of eye position) in six strabismus patients preinjection and then over a 45 min postinjection period, and in six normal controls over the same time period. Second, to examine the long-term effects, 13 strabismus patients were tested preinjection and then daily over the next 3 weeks, and three normal controls over the same time period. We compared their open-loop pointing responses with the injected eye fixating the target to the photographically determined position of the occluded other eye (a measure of where the patient would point if eye position were determined by efference, not proprioception). There were three groups of patients: esotropes with no previous injection, exotropes with no previous injection, and exotropes with previous injection. First, all patients showed significant correction of their tropias. Second, over the short-term, there was no difference in pointing responses found between the patients and the controls (t(18) = -1.427, P = 0.1706). Third, over the long-term, however, the difference between the pointing responses and eye position information was compared among the four groups across four posttests and a significant difference found (F3,12 = 58.988, P < 0.00001). Only in patients with no previous injections was there altered proprioceptive feedback about eye position. Also, injections into the medial rectus induced a significantly greater proprioceptive response than those injected into the lateral rectus. In humans, botulinum toxin alters proprioception from eye muscles only over the long-term. We suggest that the toxin temporarily affects proprioceptive feedback from palisade endings.

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