
Abstract. Last years, there were developed methods based on the human brain and body acoustic signals application. We consider human brain micro vibrations as an ancient, highly reliable, relatively rapid channel of the central nervous system with all the organism cells and structures. There is offered a method of the human brain acoustic area spectrum analysis and registration. Experimental sample “Register of the human brain micro vibrations spectrum is developed. The model of the human brain acoustic area generation is offered – neurovascular reflex and related with human brain blood vessels smooth muscularity nerve cells metabolism. In comparison with classical EEG, it is demonstrated that acoustic encephalogram also reflects human brain neuroreflex activity. Piezoelectric sensors, which feature in silicone membrane existence, are investigated. Such type of construction allowed to register human brain mechanical vibrations in the gamut from 0.1 up to 27 Hz. Spectral analysis is specific in that signal integration time is 160 seconds. Meanwhile, 12600 spectral harmonics of the human brain reticular activating system were reliably extracted. For convenience, all the acoustic area spectrum of the human brain was shrunk into segmental frame of reference which is frequency structured matrix of functional conditions multiplicity “multiple arousal” of 24х625 frequency cells size. All the developed technologies and device might be used for the organism adaptation estimations, psycho-emotional conditions estimations and functional-topical diagnosis of the internal parts of the human body.

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