
Contents: Introduction Part I Regional Geography and Spatial Analysis: Between regions: science, militarism, and American geography from World War to Cold War, Trevor J. Barnes and Matthew Farish Chorology and spatial analysis, Robert David Sack The highest form of the geographer's art, John Fraser Hart The institutionalization of regions: a theoretical framework for understanding the emergence of regions and the constitution of regional identity, Anssi Paasi. Part II Region, Structure and Process: Regionalism: some current issues, Doreen Massey Place as historically contingent process: structuration and the time-geography of becoming places, Allan Pred Regions in context: spatiality, periodicity and the historical geography of the regional question, E.W. Soja Taking aim at the heart of the region, Nigel Thrift. Part III Regions and International Political Integration: Principles of regionalism, John A. Agnew Emerging regional linkages within the European Community: challenging the dominance of the state, Alexander Murphy Europeanism and regionalism, Michael Keating Regionalization for Turkey: an illusion or a cure?, Murat Ali DulupA u. Part IV 'New Regionalism', Globalization and Global City Regions: World-systems analysis and regional geography, Peter J. Taylor The resurgence of regional economies, 10 years later: the region as a nexus of untraded interdependencies, Michael Storper New regionalism reconsidered: globalization and the remaking of political economic space, Gordon MacLeod Theory led by policy: the inadequacies of the 'new regionalism', John Lovering Globalization and the rise of city-regions, Allen J. Scott. Part V Regions and the Politics of Place: Regions unbound: towards a new politics of place, Ash Amin Bounded spaces in the mobile world: deconstructing 'regional identity', Anssi Paasi The rhetoric of regionalism: the Northern League in Italian politics, 1983a 94, John Agnew The making of the Mitteldeutschland on the function of implicit and explicit symbolic features for implementing regions and regional identity, Tilo Felgenhauer, Mandy Mihm and Antje Schlottmann China's provincial identities: reviving regionalism and reinventing 'Chineseness', Tim Oakes. Part VI Representing Regions: The continuous shaping of America a prospectus for geographers and historians, D.W. Meinig The idea of German cultural regions in the 3rd Reich: the work of Franz Petri, Karl Ditt On 'bioregionalism' and 'watershed consciousness', James J. Parsons The 'new' regional geography and problems of narrative, A. Sayer The Pyrenees as place: Lefebvre as guide, J. Nicholas Entrikin and Vincent Berdoulay Period and region, David Wishart Cultural geography: place and landscape between continuity and change, Paul Claval and J. Nicholas Entrikin Name Index.

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