
Multiple alleles controlling different gene-for-gene flax rust resistance specificities occur at the L locus of flax. At least three distinct regions can be recognized in the predicted protein products: the Toll/interleukin-1 receptor homology (TIR) region, a nucleotide binding site (NBS) region, and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) region. Replacement of the TIR-encoding region of the L6 allele with the corresponding regions of L2 or LH by recombination changed the specificity of the allele from L6 to L7. Replacement of the TIR and most of the NBS-encoding region of L10 with the equivalent region of L2 or L9 generated recombinant alleles having a novel specificity. However, replacement of the L10 TIR-encoding region with the TIR-encoding region of L2 gave rise to an allele with no detectable specificity. These data indicate that non-LRR regions can determine specificity differences between allelic gene products and that functional specificity involves interactions between coadapted polymorphic regions in the protein products of the alleles. Evidence for the action of diversifying selection on the TIR region is observed.

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