
Administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine is an extremely important stage in the development of our country. Decentralization creates new challenges for the regions, gives local authorities new powers, duties and responsibilities. For a comprehensive analysis of the possibilities and prospects of decentralization reform, it is important to analyze the existing world experience in implementing of the similar regional development programs in different countries. The implementation of such reforms in highly developed and developed countries is usually more successful than in developing countries, mainly due to the unpreparedness of local governments to the transformation of socio-political relations. Domestic and foreign scholars who have researched the course of decentralization reform in Ukraine note that it is extremely important to make appropriate changes to the Constitution of Ukraine and consolidate them at the highest state level. Decentralization reform, of course, cannot be considered as a universal tool for solving all existing problems of Ukraine, but it is an extremely important step towards comprehensive development of our country, taking into account the needs of the state and regions, the specifics of each, and the possibility for more effective implementation of regional policy measures by expanding the powers of local authorities. Thus, according to the new division, the largest districts in terms of population, the centers of which are the largest cities in Ukraine: Kharkiv, Odesa and Dnipro, which account for 4.8%, 3.8% and 3.2% of the population of the country's districts, respectively. Zaporizhia district of Zaporizhia region, Lviv district of Lviv region account for 2.4-2.1% of the population. Based on the cluster analysis of 119 newly formed districts of Ukraine by the Ward method, according to 24 indicators as of 2020, 8 clusters were identified. Cluster analysis of the regions of Ukraine by a similar method according to the level of urbanization allowed to identify 6 clusters. The established features should be taken into account in forming plans and programs of regional development, which should be scientifically substantiated, take into account the peculiarities of decentralization of power and contribute to improving the level and quality of life of the population.

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