
The objective of this study was to identify subareas inside and near an Atlantic Rain Forest reserve, the Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), most likely to be affected by land use in the vicinity of the area. In addition, the study aimed to compare risks per stressor source (agriculture, human settlements and mining) to both epigean (surface) and hypogean (subterranean) aquatic fauna. The methodological approach included the relative vulnerability of endpoints to the stressors (pesticides, metals, nutrients, and particles) and ranking of stressor sources and habitats (epigean and hypogean streams) based on their relative distribution in 14 subareas within the catchment areas of the main rivers that cross PETAR: Pilões, Betari and Iporanga. Four subareas presented high risk for both epigean and hypogean fauna. Three of those areas were located inside the Betari catchment area, where most of the settlements and abandoned lead mines are located. The fourth area was situated in the headwaters of the Pilões River, where agricultural activities are intense. Agriculture and human settlements were the activities most likely to cause impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Uses of risk assessment results include management of the PETAR and communication to stakeholders by the Park Administration.

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