
Regional policy is part of development strategy in general. Since 1978 two development strategies are complementing and competing with each other in China, readjustment and reform, but both incorporate and react against elements of the legacy of past strategies, the Soviet and the Maoist.' In a regional perspective the most central theme for reformers has been to find new ways to avoid the classical conflict, inherent in former strategies, between branches (tiao tiao) and areas (kuai kuai): centralized or vertical planning, via central bureaus and ministries, according to the branch principle; and decentralized or horizontal planning, especially at the provincial level, according to the committee or area principle.' The concept development strategy can be defined as a correlated understanding of aims and means for economic and social development. This paper will concentrate on economic development. Aims in regard to regional policy in the era of reform will be the first aspect to be outlined. The financial and investment policy of the state as the most central means in regional policy will be discussed next. At the end the results of regional policy will be discussed: to what extent has a deepening or equalizing of existing regional differences taken place in relation to development strategy practised? Production, agricultural and industrial, in the 29 provincial units in the period of 1949-87 will make up the statistical basis for this evaluation. For reasons of space provinces in this paper have been aggregated to greater regions, containing provinces with similar level of development.

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