
The economic and social developments in Albania, apart from being the lowest in the region, also differ significantly among prefectures. This article aims to analyze the economic and social developments with the focus to inequality, especially in education. Improving the economic and social situation in the country and expecially in prefectures requires policies that mobilize economic and financial resources as well as human capital for the country. Also especially in the prefectures where economic and social developments are low and very low; whereas the growth of education can be supported on a territorial approach, with concrete local and national policies to stimulate the demand for secondary school entry and to provide contemporary education services, especially policies in favor of children in economic disadvantage, in rural and peri-urban areas. In this study different data sources are combined such as Labor Force Survey (LFS 2018), Demographic and Health Survey, (ADHS 2017-2018), Family Budget Survey (HBS 2018), Living Standards Survey (LSMS 2012) the Human Development Report (HDR) 2018 and Census 2011. The collection, integration and analysis of new data are necessary to have a general and concrete view to inform development policies, to advance reflection on development and to design the best solutions. The results obtained show that many of the economic and social developments in some prefectures are about twice as low as those in the best-performing prefectures in the country. Focusing on education, its level goes hand in hand with other developments in prefectures; prefectures with lower economic indicators also have lower participation in education and educational attainment.

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