
The emergence of geopolitical projects of association of the countries in the “Intermarium” dates back to the period after the First World War. In the era of the Cold War, some countries of the Baltic-Black Sea region were part of the Soviet Union, while others were Soviet satellites. Expansion of NATO and EU toward the East in post-bipolar period has resulted in strengthening of the position of the West in Central and Eastern Europe. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have turned into an outpost of the West on the border with Russia. Implementation of the “Eastern Partnership” project leads to increased infl uence of the EU in Ukraine and Moldova. Possible geoeconomic integration within the “Intermarium” is to be of low effi ciency. Belarus has a key strategic position in the region and is an ally of Russia. Potential threats that are emanate from the geopolitics of Russia in Eastern Europe, encourages countries of the Baltic-Black Sea region to develop new geopolitical projects in creating of defensive militarypolitical association. Contemporary neo-imperial geopolitics of the US in Europe is aimed at strengthening of its infl uence and provides, in particular, the support to projects of regional interstate associations, designed to “containment” of Russia. For the countries of the Western Europe geopolitical projects of integration associations in the Baltic-Black Sea region can be designed to form a “cordon sanitaire” for the isolation of Russia Ukraine is a most interested country in the implementation of the military-political project “Intermarium”. The potential militarypolitical association «Intermarium» will be fully functioned only under condition of preservation of the confrontation between the West and Russia.


  • EU toward the East in post-bipolar period has resulted in strengthening of the position

  • Estonia have turned into an outpost of the West

  • project leads to increased influence of the EU

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Потенциальные угрозы, связанные с геополитикой России в Восточной Европе, стимулируют страны Балто-Черноморского региона разрабатывать новые геополитические проекты создания оборонительного военно-политического объединения. Для стран Западной Европы геополитические проекты интеграционных объединений в Балто-Черноморском регионе могут иметь целью формирование «санитарного кордона» для изоляции от России. Современная секьюритизация геополитики России как возрождающейся империи, стимулирует страны Центральной и Восточной Европы (особенно Балто-Черноморья) искать международно-политические способы защиты от ее потенциальной экспансии.

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