
A basin -wide flood frequency analysis using Index flood and L-moment s approach offers an attractive solution to provide flood quant ile estimations at hundreds of ungauged sites within the Red River Basin of the North . L-moments diagrams and hierarchical clustering techniques were used initially to delineate hydrologic regions within the basin . Although the northern plain is relatively flat and almost monotonous, the analyses have show n that four homogeneous regions could be established for the basin . The whole basin as a region is also established for the purpose of flood estimations along the main stem . Appropriate probability distrib utions are fitted to t he pooled regional flood peak s in each region . Monte Carlo simulations are performed to decide the best distribution for each region , and the dominant distributions found are the Log -Pearson Type III and the generalized Pareto distrib utions . The regression of index flood with the physical factors of drainage area and basin slopes for two of the five regions are not very satisfactory . However, t he flood quantile estimates are sufficient for preliminary planning purposes. Basis for Reg ional Flood Frequency Analysis and L -moments The Red River of the North Basin has 91 gauged sites but that number was not sufficient for economic planning purposes as flood quantile estimations at hundreds of ungauged sites within the basin were required . Regional flood frequency analysis is a good alternative approach to flood quantile estimation using a single station approach. It is well accepted that using a regional approach in flood frequency analysis is effective in extending the flood information at a site to sites within a homogeneous region. Recent papers by Burn and Goel (2000), Cunderlik and Burn (2002), Pfister et al. (2002), and Lim and Lye (2003) are examples of such undertakings. The extension enables flood quantile estimates for any site i n a region to be expressed or inferred in terms of flood data recorded at all gauging sites in that region. Design flood estimations using a regional approach can often be carried out using methods such as the index -flood method and the direct regression o n quantiles method.

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