
In addition to the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi, acid phosphatase active axonal systems are described (1) in the viscerosensory nucleus of the vagus nerve, (2) in Lissauer's band, (3) in the fasciculus cornus posterioris (Cajal), and (4) in the nucleus basilaris externus (Cajal). Electron microscopically, acid phosphatase is located in between synaptic vesicles of axon terminals; the vesicle population of such terminals in the Rolando substance, however, markedly differs from that in systems 1--4, characterized by the presence of large dense-core vesicles. While acid phosphatase-active axon terminals in the Rolando substance appear to subserve cutaneous nociception, circumstantial evidence suggests participation of systems 1--4 in processing visceral nociception.

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