
The increased power is important based on the ability of the region to increase it. Regional ability to increase competitiveness depends on the ability of regions to find and determine the driving factors of competitiveness and provide economic policies that focus on transforming the acceleration of regional economic growth. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of the macroeconomic stability of Gorontalo Province. The research is intended to find out how competitive macroeconomic stability of each district and city in Gorontalo Province. The districts/cities analyzed consisted of Gorontalo Regency, North Gorontalo Regency, Boalemo Regency, Pohuwato Regency, Bone Bolango Regency, and Gorontalo City. The research method applied in this study is descriptive analysis which provides an overview and geographic distribution of Gorontalo Province followed by quantitative calculation. The analytical tool engaged in this competitiveness study is the indicators and scope utilized by the Asian Competitiveness Institute (ACI). The results indicated that two of the six regencies and cities in Gorontalo Province were more competitive than the provincial average, specifically regency of Gorontalo and regency of Boalemo.

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