
Establishment of Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall passes through the different phases and is not uniformly distributed over the Indian subcontinent. This enhancement and reduction in daily rainfall anomaly over the Indian core monsoon region during peak monsoon season (i.e., July and August) are commonly termed as ‘active’ and ‘break’ phases of monsoon. The purpose of this study is to analyze REGional Climate Model (RegCM) results obtained using the most suitable convective parameterization scheme (CPS) to determine active/break phases of ISM. The model-simulated daily outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), mean sea level pressure (MSLP), and the wind at 850 hPa of spatial resolution of 0.5°× 0.5° are compared with NOAA, NCEP, and EIN15 data, respectively over the South-Asia Co-Ordinated Regional Climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX) region. 25 years (1986–2010) composites of OLR, MSLP, and the wind at 850 hPa are considered from start to the dates of active/break phase and up to the end dates of active/break spell of monsoon. A negative/positive anomaly of OLR with active/break phase is found in simulations with CPSs Emanuel and Mix99 (Grell over land; Emanuel over ocean) over the core monsoon region as well as over Monsoon Convergence Zone (MCZ) of India. The appearance of monsoon trough during active phase over the core monsoon zone and its shifting towards the Himalayan foothills during break phase are also depicted well. Because of multi-cloud function over oceanic region and single cloud function over the land mass, the Mix99 CPSs perform well in simulating the synoptic features during the phases of monsoon.

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