
Based on Law 23 of 2014 on Regional Government, there is a change in the distribution of affairs in the management of education. Secondary education (SMA / SMK) previously administered by regency / municipality government based on the law is the authority of its management to switch to provincial government. This article will discuss how the process of execution of transfer of authority of secondary education from regency / municipality government to Central Java Provincial Government. Using qualitative research, this article will provide a critical analytical understanding of the transition process or the delegation of secondary education authorities in the areas of Asset, Human Resources (HR) and Finance from the Regency / City government to the Provincial Government in Central Java. The research findings show that the delegation of authority at the level of the Provincial Government actually makes the model of government farther away from idealism to provide services closer to the community. Because the implementation of this policy impact on local government policy, which has been eliminating education for 12 years, ie from elementary school to high school. As a result of the transfer of management function to the province, now the free education policy for SMA and SMK had to stop as well as happened in Kudus, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar. The community hopes the Central Java Provincial Government still holds a commitment to free education, both for public and private schools for high school / vocational high school level. In addition, there is hope from the community for the Provincial Government to implement a commitment not to withdraw fees, levies or donations after the transfer of education authority to the Central Java provincial government.

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