
The article examines the post-industrial services sector in the economy of Kazakhstan, the state and dynamics of which is a characteristic feature of the modern techno-technological structure in the post-industrial countries of the world. The sector includes information and communication, business and professional services. The authors study the regional profile of the post-industrial services in Kazakhstan and identify the level of centralization of these types of activities in the regions of Kazakhstan, as well as the nature of its dynamics. Using the method of rating assessment and the method of absolute differences to group regions by the volume of the post-industrial services in the medium term, the authors give a qualitative description of the selected groups. Concerning the product profile of the types of activities as a part of post-industrial services, the authors conduct a dynamic analysis of all types of services within three aggregated positions: computer programming services; information services; services in the field of architecture, engineering surveys, technical tests and analysis. The article assesses the characteristics of the dynamics and structure of supply in the markets of these services, the concentration of services in the regions of Kazakhstan. The types of services that are characterized by the absolute and relative growth in all the regions of the country are identified, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the vector of development of the economy of Kazakhstan as a whole. The main positive trend is the emergence in the first place of the specific gravity and growth rate of engineering services, which generally corresponds to the trend of transition towards the post-industrial economy with its emphasis on services for all the sectors. Since engineering services are complementary to the real sector of the economy, we can positively assess this trend in the development of Kazakhstan.


  • IntroductionThe growth stages theory (Rostow 1973), the theory of the post-industrial society (Toffler 2010), (Bell 1986) lay the system of initial representations for the modern concepts of the knowledge economy, the change of technotechnological paradigms, innovative economics, and the post-industrial society

  • The growth stages theory (Rostow 1973), the theory of the post-industrial society (Toffler 2010), (Bell 1986) lay the system of initial representations for the modern concepts of the knowledge economy, the change of technotechnological paradigms, innovative economics, and the post-industrial society.Offering a research methodology for the modern post-industrial economy, they identified many areas in economic science, based on the idea of the driving forces of the post-industrial stage of production and its empirical forms

  • The general trend for all the regions is the absolute and structural growth of three types of services: 1. Computer programming and similar consulting services, which are characterized by growth in 15 regions out of 16, while their share in the volume of services in the aggregate of regions increased from 1.5% to 3.14%. 2

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The growth stages theory (Rostow 1973), the theory of the post-industrial society (Toffler 2010), (Bell 1986) lay the system of initial representations for the modern concepts of the knowledge economy, the change of technotechnological paradigms, innovative economics, and the post-industrial society. The main feature of a complex system of post-industrial economy is the support in the production of goods on services that have high added value, i.e. are high tech Such a quality of services appears as a result of the use of information and electronic technologies in their production, which provide for a transition to a new level of labor productivity, marketing, logistics, etc. (Lidtka 2015, Tapskott 2009) According to this methodology, the country’s transition to the post-industrial stage of development is diagnosed on the basis of positive structural changes in the share of information and communication, business and professional services, which are included in the production process at its intermediate stage and have a decisive effect on the final product or the final result in the form of a service. For Kazakhstan, which has set the goal of becoming one of the thirty most competitive countries in the world, one of the urgent tasks of development is structural restructuring of the economy and implementation of the development programs aimed at establishing a modern post-industrial structure of the economy (Nazarbayev 2018, Information Kazakhstan – 2020)

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