
Forebrain sections of adult male Wistar rats were processed for the immunohitochemical detection of the GABA A receptor α 1 subunit. Alternate sections were used for double-stainingwith antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the calcium binding proteins parvalbumin (PARV), calbindin (CALB) and calretinin (CR) as well as to nitric oxide synthase (NOS). α 1 subunit-immunostained neurons occupied the central part of the medial septum and diagonal band, the whole ventral pallidum and the globus pallidus. A moderate number was found in the lateral septum, and only very few in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. Double-immunofluorescence labelling revealed an apparently complete co-expression of GAD-immunoreactivity in α 1 subunit-immunoreactive cells of rat basal forebrain, but only a region-dependent proportion of GAD-immunoreactive cells showed Co-expression of PARV-immunoreactivity characterized the vast majority of the α 1 subunit-immunoreactive cells in the medial septum, diagonal band, ventral pallidum and globus pallidus. Striatal α 1 subunit-immunopositive neurons appeared PARV-immunonegative and did also not react with the other immunoreagents used in this study, except the GAD-antibody. CR-immunoreactivity was co-expressed in α 1 subunit-immunopositive cells of the ventraal lateral septal nucleus and only exceptionally in the ventral pallidum, where the vast majority of CR-positive cells was monolabelled. A small minority of ChAT-immunoreactive, but in no case CALB- and NOS-immunoreactive cells were found to express the α 1 subunit-immunoreactivity. These findings confirm the data obtained by analyses of other brain regions suggesting a preferred co-existence of this GABA A receptor subunit with PARV and to a lesser degree with CR.

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