
Summary A limited number of studies attempted to account for regional and community‐level variables in exploring the mediating mechanisms conditioning the structure of educational opportunities. As a result, contextual dynamics of social stratification remain largely obscure. The aim of the present paper is to examine the relative effects of regional, locality (community level) and high school variables on access opportunities of Palestinian Arab high school pupils in Israel to educational credentials. The analysis is based on the aggregate data of 46 Arab localities. Findings reveal that while high school tracking patterns are affected by high school variables at community level (such as average allocation of teaching‐time per class and gender enrolment ratios), access to educational credentials (high school matriculation certificates) is determined by community‐level SES and the locality's geographic location (region). The implications of these findings for the broader study of issues related to equality in educational opportunities are discussed. [1] The author wishes to thank Mr Yosef Gidanian, Head of the Education Section at the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, for providing access to unpublished data. Statistical comments by Professor Hanna Ayalon and Doctor Audrey Addi‐Raccah are acknowledged. All responsibility for the contents of the article lies, of course, with the author alone.

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