
The concept of regional identity encompasses a number of fields, elements and subjects that create it. There are many definitions in the current scientific literature characterizing this topic. We encounter a large number of definitions, mainly in foreign studies. Under the conditions of the Slovak Republic, this field is much less explored. On the one hand, the individual self-governing regional units strive to maintain their uniqueness and preserve their historical and cultural values, economic or social status. On the other hand, they implement regional identity in their Social and Economic Development Programs minimally. It is the citizens themselves, visitors, investors, public and private subjects, central government and many other factors that shape the region's identity in Slovakia. The Regional Identity Index (IRI) is an effective tool for measuring regional identity in each self-governing region. Thus, it determines the overall level achieved in a certain period and can lead to useful information about the functioning and future direction of the territory. However, the calculation of IRI in the conditions of Slovak self-governing regions is significantly absent. Based on the research problem, the main aim of this paper is to propose an IRI for self-governing regions in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The calculation will be formulated through quantitative data and factors, predefined and implemented schemes in practice. Príspevok poukazuje na skutočnosť, že systematický každoročný výpočet indikátorov môže byť nie len pre samosprávne kraje, ale aj miestne samosprávy (obce a mestá) smerodajným pri vypracovaní strategických dokumentov v oblasti územného rozvoja, prijímaním miestnych politík či budovaním marketingovej stratégie územia, čím by sa zvyšovala konkurencieschopnosť a regionálny rozvoj vo všetkých úrovniach územnej samosprávy. The paper points out that the systematic annual calculation of indicators can be decisive not only for the self-governing units, but also for local self-governments (municipalities) in the preparation of strategic documents in the fields of spatial development, adopting local policies or building the marketing strategy of the territory. This would increase competitiveness and regional development at all levels of territorial self-government.

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