
We experimentally study the formation and stability of miscible fluid threads made of high-viscosity liquids using hydrodynamic focusing sections. Miscible core annular flows are useful for transporting viscous materials and can be destabilized for enhancing mass transfer. We delineate phase-diagrams of the generation of lubricated threads from low to large viscosity contrasts with various diffusion coefficients. Depending on fluid properties and flow rates of injection, stable microflows are classified into engulfment, thread, and tubing regimes. For low Péclet numbers, we examine thread dynamics when diffusive effects strongly alter basic flow structures and induce new flow configurations, including ultra-diffusive and diffusive instability regimes. Another unstable flow arrangement is investigated for moderate Reynolds numbers where small threads are rapidly destabilized in the inertial flow field of the sheath fluid near the fluid junction. This study provides an overview of stable and unstable flow regimes and their transitions during the formation of miscible viscous fluid filaments in square microchannels.

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