
Clinical and animal studies have reported the influence of sex on the incidence and progression of tendinopathy, which results in disparate structural and biomechanical outcomes. However, there remains a paucity in our understanding of the sex-specific biological mechanisms underlying effective tendon healing. To overcome this hurdle, our group has investigated the impact of sex on tendon regeneration using the super-healer Murphy Roths Large (MRL/MpJ) mouse strain. We have previously shown that the scarless healing capacity of MRL/MpJ patellar tendons is associated with sexually dimorphic regulation of gene expression for pathways involved in fibrosis, cell migration, adhesion, and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling following an acute mid-substance injury. Thus, we hypothesized that MRL/MpJ scarless tendon healing is mediated by sex-specific and temporally distinct orchestration of cell-ECM interactions. Accordingly, the present study comparatively evaluated MRL/MpJ tendon cells on two-dimensional (2D; glass) and scaffold platforms to examine cell behavior under biochemical and topographical cues associated with tendon homeostasis and healing. Female MRL/MpJ cells showed reduced 2D migration and spreading area accompanied by enhanced mechanosensing, ECM alignment, and fibronectin-mediated cell proliferation compared to male MRL/MpJ cells. Interestingly, female MRL/MpJ cells cultured on isotropic scaffolds showed diminished cell-ECM organization compared to male MRL/MpJ cells. Lastly, MRL/MpJ cells elicited enhanced cytoskeletal elongation and alignment, ECM deposition and organization, and connexin 43-mediated intercellular communication compared to male B6 cells, regardless of culture condition or sex. These results provide insight into the cellular features conserved within the MRL/MpJ phenotype and potential sex-specific targets for the development of more equitable therapeutics.

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