
Cities for the Many Not the Few. Ash Amin, Doreen Massey and Nigel Thrift, The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.48. £6.99 pb. Urban Regeneration Through Partnership: A Study in Nine Urban Regions in England, Scotland and Wales. Michael Carley, Mike Chapman, Annette Hastings, Karryn Kirk and Raymond Young. The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.77. £14.95 pb. Regional Agencies and Area‐based Regeneration. Brian Robson, Jamie Peck and Adam Holden. The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.63. £13.95 pb. Coalfields Regeneration: Dealing with the Consequences of Industrial Decline. Katy Bennett, Huw Beynon and Ray Hudson, The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.50. £12.95 pb. Partnership Working in Rural Regeneration. Bill Edwards, Mark Goodwin, Simon Pemberton and Michael Woods, The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.55. £12.95 pb. Moving Pictures: Reality of Voluntary Action. Duncan Scott, Pete Alcock, Lynne Russell and Rob Macmillan, The Policy Press, 2000. Pp.63, £13.95 pb. Including Young People in Urban Regeneration: A Lot to Learn? Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Annette Hastings and Keith Kintrea, The Policy Press, 1998. Pp.37. £10.95 pb. Planning with Children for Better Communities: The Challenge to Professionals. Claire Freeman, Paul Henderson and Jane Kettle, The Policy Press, 1999. Pp.149. £15.99 pb.

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