
Survival and height growth of planted white spruce, Piceaglauca (Moench) Voss, and alpine fir, Abieslasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., seedlings, the growth of competing shrubs, and height, diameter, and volume growth of spruce and fir up to about 130 years of age were studied on Alluvial and Aralia sites in the central interior of British Columbia to assess the suitability of alpine fir for restocking the sites where shrub competition causes heavy seedling mortality of spruce. Alpine fir regenerated successfully under heavy shrub competition where spruce generally failed, and its growth up to almost 100 years was better than that of spruce. Spruce maintained its growth longer. Spruce should be favored where its regeneration can be assured. Where shrubs prevent regeneration of spruce, however, alpine fir may provide a viable and even economically justifiable alternative.

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