
Today in the field of quality control of higher education in Ukraine there are a number of gaps and shortcomings that need to be addressed. Exploring the directions of improving the administrative and legal framework for quality control of higher education in Ukraine, it is important to pay attention to the state and prospects of development of the organizational framework for such control.
 It has been proved that the organizational principles of quality control of higher education in Ukraine should be understood, first of all, as a set of fundamental measures aimed at creating and maintaining the proper functioning of the structure of the mechanism of such control. That is, the organizational principles are the most fundamental, defining norms, decisions, actions, establishment and/or implementation of which are an indispensable or essential condition for stable, high-quality and effective implementation of quality control in education. If the legal framework determines the legal rules of control, the organizational framework is the work on the direct integration of all elements of control into a single coherent system and ensuring its proper functioning.
 It has been argued that a wide range of actions, decisions, measures taken to ensure the integrity and internal coherence of a particular system, its direction and proper functioning, increases the risks that certain mistakes, gaps, other shortcomings will be made in the selection and application of certain components of the organizational principles, which, in turn, will affect the effectiveness of the system in respect of which organizational work is carried out. This fully applies to the organizational principles of quality control in higher education. That is why an important direction for further research is to identify useful and appropriate steps to improve the organizational foundations of the studied control.

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