
Aquest article estudia la prosodia semantica del lema refugiat a la premsa espanyola durant un periode de set anys (2010-16) amb l’objectiu d’analitzar la representacio discursiva dels refugiats en aquest genere textual. L’estudi se centra en aspectes diacronics i quantitatius, a la vegada que determina les unitats lexiques negatives que acompanyen un refugiat. La recerca es basa en l’analisi d’un corpus d’1.8 milions de paraules format per noticies en espanyol sobre els refugiats que van ser extretes de les hemeroteques digitals d’El Pais i El Mundo. Els resultats mostren que la frequencia de refugiat augmenta al llarg del periode estudiat, igual que ho fa la prosodia semantica negativa associada a aquest mot. Aquesta negativitat, que es molt mes alta en els dos ultims anys analitzats, es construeix a traves de determinades col·locacions constants, col·locacions puntuals i mitjancant patrons lexics relacionats amb l’ocupacio massiva i la victimitzacio dels refugiats.


  • Despite the considerable number of studies about semantic prosody (SP), there exist few of them which examine the Semantic Prosody (SP) of nouns

  • Given the repercussions that the phenomenon of refugees has been having in the last years and its social and media impact, the present study aims to diachronically explore –within the methodological framework of Semantic Prosody (SP)– how the term refugiado has been constructed in two major Spanish newspapers from 2010 to 2016

  • Unlike the studies in the dominant English-language literature, our study examines a span of years which includes the whole 2015-16 period, offering more updated data as the analysis covers the years coinciding with the aggravation of the Syrian refugee movement

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Despite the considerable number of studies about semantic prosody (SP), there exist few of them which examine the SP of nouns. Refugees have been arriving in Europe during the second half of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century, the number of asylum seekers has dramatically increased in the last years due to the conflicts in the Middle East, and especially the civil war in Syria. This phenomenon has called the attention of the media, where daily news about this issue has been published

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