
The problem of stunting has an impact on children's growth and development, especially cognitive disorders so it will reduce human resources. Therefore stunting must be handled appropriately and effectively. Muara Enim Regency as one of 17 regencies in South Sumatra is a district that is included in the category of high stunting prevalence. The 2018 Riskesdas showed that the prevalence of stunting in Muara Enim was 34.4% higher than in South Sumatra (32%) and the National (30.8%). The same thing comes from the results of the 2021 national under-five nutritional status study, Muara Enim's stunting prevalence rate of 29.7% is included in the 3rd highest district in South Sumatra (24.8%). Research conducted by Susyani, et al (2022) in the stunting locus area of Muara Enim Regency shows that it is still found 26 (9.6%) children under five were very short and 64 (23.5%) were short. In addition, for toddler visits to integrated services post with non-routine visits which are still high, namely less than 8 times a year, it is 71 (62.1%). Based on this, it is necessary to carry out community service activities in the form of assistance through refreshing integrated services post cadres in increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres in preventing and accelerating the reduction of stunting at the stunting locus in the Muara Enim Regency area. This community service is carried out through refreshing cadres in monitoring the growth and development of children as well as the skills of cadres in screening the nutritional status of toddlers, women of childbearing age, and pregnant women. There was an increase in the knowledge of cadres regarding the activities carried out at the integrated services post by 19.9 points after the posttest was carried out. Apart from that, this community service activity is expected to increase the knowledge and skills of integrated services post cadres in helping prevent and accelerate the reduction of stunting in the stunting locus in Muara Enim Regency.

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