
Introduction: There are about 5 million truck drivers in India. As the eye sight plays a prominent role in safe driving, the truck driver's visual tasks/vision sense needs to be checked periodically. Aims: The aim of the study was to detect refractive errors and color blindness among truck drivers. Materials and Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study on truck drivers. Truck drivers were screened at their resting places after obtaining their prior consent. In our study, we screened 140 truck drivers in various age groups. Statistical analysis used: We have analyzed the data obtained from the study by using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: Out of 140 truck drivers screened, the number of truck drivers with visual acuity 6/6 (normal vision) was 100 (71.43%) while the drivers with refractive errors were 40 (28.57%). Of the 40 truck drivers with refractive errors; 11 were having myopia, 20 hypermetropia, and nine were found to have astigmatism. In the entire study, 44 truck drivers were found to have presbyopia. None of the divers had color blindness and/or night blindness. Conclusions: Most of the truck drivers having defective vision were in the age group of 41-60 years. This indicates that the drivers of this age group should be screened frequently to detect visual defects and they should be encouraged to wear corrective glasses (spectacles) to have normal visual acuity.

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