
The existence of any elementary particle in universe requires the existence of some region of universe occupied by it. By taking the volume of this occupied region, the author will reformulate the relativistic quantum field theory using new 3-dimensional region-like idealization of elementary particles and hereinafter will call the total volume of all regions occupied by the elementary constituent particles of the quantum system the occupied volume. Also the author will call the set of all regions of universe filled by elementary constituent particles of the quantum system the occupied path. Always any quantum system is existed at a head of its occupied path. This path is growing by mutual filling and leaving regions of universe by its elementary constituent particles. The conservation of this elementary constituent particle requires the conservation of its occupied volume during this process. This requirement could be summarized by the following conditions: 1) the total volume of all regions of universe filled by the elementary constituent particles of the quantum system minus the total volume of all regions of universe left by these elementary constituent particles must be equal to the occupied volume of the quantum system; 2) the total increase in the occupied volume of the quantum system due to the absorption of another elementary particles from outside its occupied regions minus the total decreasing in its occupied volume due to the emission of another elementary particles outside its occupied regions must be equal to the occupied volume of it. The wave-particle duality of the elementary constituent particles implied accumulation of them as the finite set of interfered waves. This accumulation of elementary constituent particles causes the absolute probabilistic nature of event of finding the elementary consistent particle in specified interfered wave, and hence the mathematical representation of this interfered wave should take into account the value of probability amplitude of finding an elementary particle inside the region occupied specified interfered wave. In quantum theory this probability amplitude corresponds to complex amplitude of the wave function of interfered wave. Also in Hilbert’s representation of the quantum theory these wave functions are representing the components of the quantum state vector. In this paper the author will develop the transformation theory of the region-like quantum state of the quantum system.


  • The occupied volume of the elementary particle is the measurement of the volume of the region of universe occupied by it

  • The solution of Schrödinger equation is a wave function which is complex function of spatial and temporal coordinates with complex amplitude equal to probability of finding elementary particle at specified spatial and temporal coordinates, the spatial coordinates is related to point-like idealization of elementary particle the temporal coordinate is not, so in region-like idealization of this waves we need to replace all spatial parameters of the wave function by occupied volumes of elementary constituent particles, so if we have quantum system consist of N interfered wave the region-like quantum state of this quantum system at each instance of time t is representing the following ket vector:

  • + sbi correspond to probability of finding some elementary particles absorbed by the quantum system inside the region of universe occupied by the ith interfered wave

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The Occupied Volume of the Quantum System

The occupied volume of the quantum system is the total occupied volume of its elementary constituent particles. ∀j =1, 2, , Nb and k = 1, 2, , N f the energy of boson bj and the energy of fermion fk are: From the theory of special relativity the mass of the elementary matter particle m is representing function of its wavelength λ and its proper mass m0 according to the following equations: m= (λ, m0 ). From the theory of special relativity the relativistic total energy E of the elementary matter particle is representing function of its wavelength λ and its proper mass m0 according to the following equations:.

The Region-Like Quantum State of the Quantum System
1.13. The Creating and Annihilating Interaction between the Quantum Systems
The Transformation Theory of the Region-Like Quantum State
Theorem 2-1
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