
The article deals with the content and results of the reforms in the judicial sphere in the territory of Belarus, which took place during the reign of Paul I. He declared the recognition of special rights and privileges for the territory, which was annexed to Russia as a result of partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (the so-called Western provinces). First of all, this was reflected in the reform of the judicial system here. The main content of these changes was the restoration of the judiciary of the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, although not in full. The article concluded that the reforms of Paul I in the judicial sphere in the territory of the Western provinces were an attempt to form here the judicial system on the basis of local justice traditions of the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but given the realities of the autocratic Russian Empire. The local judicial system, which was established at that time, was similar to the former (before annexing to Russia) – was partially restored former judiciary, continued to use local rights, local nobility had considerable authority in the justice sphere. But at the same time on many aspects this judicial system was significantly different from the former in the direction of unification with the Russian judicial traditions (using of Russian laws, the appointment of some judges by the government, the significant role of governors in the justice, the subordination of the highest court – the Senate, etc.).


  • The article deals with the content and results of the reforms in the judicial sphere in the territory of Belarus, which took place during the reign of Paul I

  • Склад галоўных судоў Беларускай і Мінскай губерняў фарміраваўся як з прызначаемых ад урада чыноўнікаў, так і выбарных ад мясцовага дваранства

  • Але ў той жа час па многіх аспектах дадзеная судовая сістэма істотна адрознівалася ад былой у бок уніфікацыі з расійскімі судовымі парадкамі (выкарыстанне расійскіх законаў, прызначэнне часткі судовых пасад ад урада, значная роля губернатараў у ажыццяўленні правасуддзя, падпарадкаванне вышэйшай судовай інстанцыі – Сенату і інш.)

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The article deals with the content and results of the reforms in the judicial sphere in the territory of Belarus, which took place during the reign of Paul I. Што на тэрыторыі Беларускай і Мінскай губерняў (а таксама ўкраінскіх) на момант пачатку праўлення Паўла І ужо была ўкаранёна расійская сістэма адміністрацыйнага кіравання і суда на падставе “Учреждений...” 1775 г., а Літоўскай – не. Асноўнай судовай інстанцыяй павятовага ўзроню ў Беларускай і Мінскай губернях былі земскія павятовыя суды, якія знаходзіліся ў павятовых гарадах.

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