
1. Editorial Introduction: From 'a Frozen Landscape' to Structural Reforms: The Sequential Transformation of Bismarckian Welfare Systems (Bruno Palier and Claude Martin). 2. When Past Reforms Open New Opportunities: Comparing Old-age Insurance Reforms in Bismarckian Welfare Systems (Giuliano Bonoli and Bruno Palier). 3. Towards Neo-Bismarckian Health Care States? Comparing Health Insurance Reforms in Bismarckian Welfare Systems (Patrick Hassenteufel and Bruno Palier). 4. Continental Drift: On Unemployment Policy Change in Bismarckian Welfare States (Daniel Clegg). 5. From Subsidiarity to 'Free Choice': Child- and Elder-care Policy Reforms in France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands (Nathalie Morel). 6. Activation as a Common Framework for Social Policies towards Lone Parents (Trudie Knijn, Claude Martin and Jane Millar). 7. Long-term Care Policies in Italy, Austria and France: Variations in Cash-for-Care Schemes (Barbara Da Roit, Blanche Le Bihan and August Osterle). 8. Family Policies in Germany and France: The Role of Enterprises and Social Partners (Ute Klammer and Marie-Therese Letablier). Index.

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