
 The practical aspects of the reform of local government in Ukraine at the present stage of decentralization of power are highlighted, namely: in the conditions of voluntary association of territorial communities on the example of Koropsky district of Chernihiv region. It is proved that the administrative and territorial reform of the territorial formation of the administrative unit, which will carry the name of the rayon and which will unite several united territorial communities, should be a logical continuation of the process of completion of the association of territorial communities. This should depend on the geographical location, the availability of infrastructure, the road transport network, the avail- ability of medical services, and other factors.
 It was noted that in order to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Concept for the reform of local self-government and the territorial organiza- tion of power in Ukraine, a district council of representatives of OTG should be formed in such a structural unit, which will provide the main powers of lo- cal government bodies at the district level. The district council should establish its own executive body, which should be under its control and accountable. The system of central executive authorities in the newly created administrative unit (rayon) may be represented by the relevant body set up by the Cabinet of Minis- ters of Ukraine, whose functions should include the coordination of the activities of the territorial units of the executive power on the ground and control over the targeted and effective use of the State budget funds that will be received on the development of the respective territories.
 It has been determined that local authorities, which are one of the main sub- jects of public administration at the local level and, in particular, the develop- ment of territories, most in their activity take into account the traditions of the people, their mentality, the level of development of civil society and its ability.

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