
Rapid changes to the global socio-political dynamics have led the emergence of new challenges to the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism. The imperfections of the existing ISDS system have shown a clear need for reforming this institution. Moreover, this is evidenced by the desire of a number of countries to create a multilateral investment court as proposed by the European Union. Will the new EU Multilateral Investment Court System be better than the current ISDS mechanisms? The Multilateral Investment Court System is the latest proposed measure in the context of multilateralism and the institutionalization of a decentralized international investment law regime. The success of the proposal will declare a new era for international investment law around the world. Still, the proposed reform of ISDS has both benefits and disadvantages. The main goal of this paper is to examine investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) reform in the context of the EU Multilateral Investment Court by pointing out the shortcomings and rooms for improvement. In addition, this paper indicates that the MIC project has the greatest chance of support by majority of countries, as compared to other possible options for the proposed ISDS reform but at the same time, it has difficulties in achieving the goals of ISDS and fully realizing potential. The results of this research should help to proceed with smooth transition of the MIC to ISDS system and review issues for further discussion.

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