
A reformational entry into the third wave of contributions on the Trinity: There has been a so called renaissance in theological studies on the Trinity in the last century. The basic outlines of many of these contributions have been pointed out as revisionist projects that are very much in line with postmodern critiques of rationality and hierarchy. This study gave an initial response by providing leading names who are critical of the revisionist proposals and who are doing important work in various areas regarding the Trinity. Some points of contention between the classical view and the personalist view of the Trinity have been pointed out in the process. These critical contributions show the importance and vibrancy of a third wave of publications on the Trinity and they advocate for a deeper appreciation of ressourcement theology. In line with these retrievement projects, two reformed theologians’ recent work have been summarised in order to give an idea of the stimulating contributions that can come from the reformed base and the classical view in conversation with the personalist view. Some suggestions have also been given at the end on important aspects such as the simplicity of God that need further investigation. Some possible political implications of the classical view have also been pointed out. This whole discussion could contribute to a more definite debate on methodology and metaphysical considerations as well as the role of correlation theology in the so called personalist and social approaches to the doctrine of the Trinity. It could also provide new energy for a resurgence of ressourcement theology and retrievement projects regarding the doctrine of the Trinity among theologians in the reformed tradition in South Africa.


  • Soos Smith, bring ook Michael Horton (2006), die bekende gereformeerde professor by Westminster in Escondido, Kalifornië, die idee van ‘n verbond in verband met die drieenige God self

  • [T]o put it more pointedly, such thinking allows relationality as we experience it to be the starting point for our reflections on the Trinity. It is one of the crucial implications of the classical doctrine of the Trinity that once that occurs, in reality God becomes the predicate in the sentence instead of the subject and becomes whatever we describe using religious and even biblical categories based on the experiences of human relationality that are most important to us

  • Weinandy, T.G., 2000, Does God suffer? Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN

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Reformatoriese toetrede tot die derde golf van bydraes oor die Triniteit

Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. Some points of contention between the classical view and the personalist view of the Trinity have been pointed out in the process These critical contributions show the importance and vibrancy of a third wave of publications on the Trinity and they advocate for a deeper appreciation of ressourcement theology. Some possible political implications of the classical view have been pointed out This whole discussion could contribute to a more definite debate on methodology and metaphysical considerations as well as the role of correlation theology in the so called personalist and social approaches to the doctrine of the Trinity. In die volgende afdeling word daar opsommend na twee reformatoriese teoloë gekyk wat vanuit die tradisie vernuwende antwoorde op die uitdagings begin ontwikkel het.

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