
一部改革开放的实践发展史,也是一部马克思主义中国化的理论探索史。深刻的思想解放运动带动了中国特色社会主义实践和理论的伟大飞跃。30年改革开放的伟大实践积累了十分宝贵的历史经验,奠定了中国特色社会主义理论体系的实践基础和科学依据。改革开放是发展中国特色社会主义的强大动力。坚持解放思想、实事求是和生产力标准的观点,坚持科学发展观和正确改革观也就是坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系。进一步改革开放,发展中国特色社会主义,最重要的是坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系的指导。 The history of China's reform and opening up are at the same time the history of the theoretical exploration of the Sinicization of Marxism. The in‐depth movement of emancipating the mind represents a great leap ahead for both the practice and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The great practice of three decades of reform and opening up has given us a store of valuable historical experience and provided a practical and scientific foundation for the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Reform and opening up are a tremendous impetus to socialism with Chinese characteristics. To adhere to this theoretical system is in effect to adhere to the viewpoint of the emancipation of the mind, seeking truth from facts and the productive forces criterion, as well as to the scientific concept of development and the correct outlook on reform. Taking this theoretical system as our guide is of the utmost importance for further reform and opening up and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

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