
Copper cations play fundamental roles in biological systems, such as protein folding and stabilization, or enzymatic reactions. Although copper is essential to the cell, it can become cytotoxic if present in too high concentration. Organisms have therefore developed specific regulation mechanisms towards copper. This is the case of the Pco system present in the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, which is composed of two proteins: a soluble periplasmic protein PcoA and an outer membrane protein PcoB. PcoA oxidizes Cu+ to Cu2+, whereas PcoB is thought to be an efflux pump for Cu2+. While the PcoA protein has already been studied, very little is known about the structure and function of PcoB. In the present work, PcoB has been overexpressed in high yield in E. coli strains and successfully refolded by the SDS-cosolvent method. Binding to divalent cations has also been studied using several spectroscopic techniques. In addition, a three-dimensional structure model of PcoB, experimentally supported by circular dichroism, has been constructed, showing a β-barrel conformation with a N-terminal disordered chain. This peculiar intrinsic disorder property has also been confirmed by various bioinformatic tools.

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