
The Event-B method enables correct by construction modeling of systems. It relies on set theory and first-order logic, to describe a series of refined system models expressed as a set of events modifying state variables. Invariants and theorems are introduced to express system properties submitted to the proof system associated with Event-B. While Event-B has proven its efficiency for the proof of this type of property, it does not offer powerful means allowing the explicit description of properties other than safety and specific forms of reachability. Checking other properties such as deadlock-freeness, liveness, or event scheduling requires ad hoc modeling techniques and external tools such as model checkers or other proof systems. This article presents <italic xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">EB4EB</i> , a new modeling framework offering the capability to introduce formally defined Event-B extensions, in particular new proof obligations corresponding to new properties. It is based on metamodeling techniques. It includes a theory (a metatheory) modeling Event-B and offers means for explicit manipulation of Event-B features and an extension mechanism to explicitly formalize and prove other properties. This reflexive framework relies on a trace-based semantics of Event-B and introduces a set of Event-B theories defining data types, operators, well-defined conditions, theorems, and proof rules to define Event-B constructs and their semantics. Deep and shallow instantiation mechanisms are set up to instantiate the obtained metatheory. The EB4EB framework and its instantiation mechanisms are developed in Event-B using the Rodin platform ensuring correctness and internal consistency of the defined theories. Lamport's clock example, instantiating EB4EB in both shallow and deep mechanisms, is used to evaluate the proposed approach.

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