
Pappasengna To Maccae ri Luwu sibawa Kajao Laliqdong Bone is one of the classic oral literary of Buginese society conveyed by symbols. Will/advices implied still could be applied and preserved in Buginese society. It uses library research or literary study and dialectics discussions, as well as pragmatic and sociology of literary approachs. The data is collected and then analyzed. Data collection is done by library and field research. Will/advices are useful as a mean of education that could guide and find out the essence of human existence. The results of this study indicate that each person should be honest, good, and it is important that each individual should always tell the truth, behave well, and keep promises, respect other’s rights, admit mistakes, avoid dissapointing others. Besides that, it also implies that each person must keep tongue, heart, and behavior of bad deeds.

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