
The large focal plane arrays used in the new generation of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) advanced baseline imager (ABI) introduce new calibration challenges compared with the heritage GOES imagers. The increased number of detectors allows for increased spatial, spectral, and temporal performance, but as a trade-off, it has an increased risk of image striping. We detail the development of a new postlaunch relative calibration capability for ABI reflective solar bands that utilizes ABI special scans to generate a set of relative gains that can be applied to improve image quality and reduce image striping. Results demonstrate that the method reduces image striping in the ABI solar reflective bands over varying scene content and time, both diurnally and over an extended period. This methodology ensures a calibration strategy that is consistent with heritage approaches yet adapts to the new postlaunch validation challenges presented by the new class of operational imagers in the GOES-R series. The developed approach is ready for operational use, as needed, and can be easily implemented into operations to support the operational production of geostationary imagery of the Earth.

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