
The Grand Canyon scene from chapter one seems a distant memory now that we have examined the perspectives of musical talent from experts across different fields. A synthesis of the ideas gleaned from these opening chapters can be embodied once again in that scene and those four friends. The scientific examiner searches beneath the surface for answers. He analyzes the inner core, piece by piece. The psychometricians who systematically refine the measurement of the capacities of music aptitude believe in analyzing the sensory core of musical talent. From this scientific perspective, we learn that the talented musician listens carefully and can discriminate differences in sound. Music aptitude describes the basic capacities that provide this keen discrimination. A musically talented person is fine-tuned in awareness and differentiation of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and timbre. Our environmental observer searches for answers revealed in surrounding influences and changes over the course of time. She is more concerned with examining how the ongoing flux and flow transforms the whole. The developmental psychologists who examine music intelligence agree that music aptitude is the sensory base of musical talent. However, there is much more to consider and explore. How do these sensory capacities function while engaged in real musical tasks? What tasks can instill metaperceptive functioning as the child develops? From the perspective of the cognitive developmental psychologist, we learn that musical intelligence is a perceptive/cognitive unique way of knowing. The musically talented student develops musical intelligence by solving challenging musical problems that inventively work across the dimensions of performance, composing, improvisation, listening, and critiquing musical work. Our photographer captures the scene through an artistic eye, ever searching for a personal way to interpret this experience to others through his art form. Many hours are spent in the darkroom working through this creative process. With persistence, time, and focus, that personal visual statement will emerge. The performer realizes musical talent through the same artistic process, with the same persistence, focus, and hours of practice.

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