
The review analyzes not only the content of the article Russian roots in Crimea written by the famous scientist-researcher L. F. Boltenkova and published in journal Issues of National and Federative Relations No. 8, Vol. 9, 2019, but also explores the logic of presentation. An attempt is made to answer the question why such studies appear in the scientific literature today. The article, albeit briefly, but clearly traces a historical connection of the territories that form modern Russia: Crimea, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, Siberia, etc. since the time B.C. Historically, Russian roots appeared in Crimea naturally, in the period before Kiev Rus, they strengthened during the Kiev period of the Ancient Russian state. Due to the loss of sovereignty by Kiev and its entry into the Lithuanian-Polish state, successive Russian relations with Crimea were historically carried out by North-Eastern Russia (Moscow). Although the main form of communications was attack-defense, but they forged the victory of Russia (Moscow) at the cost of incredible victims.

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