
Church: Towards Common Vision (TCTCV) is introduced us with the aim to serve the churches as they call one another visible unity in one faith and one Eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and common life in Christ, through witness and service the world, and advance towards unity in order the world may believe. (1) In this, it is convergence document show far Christian communities have come in their common understanding of the (2) By this, its two objectives are renewal and theological agreement on the (3) As such, it gives me hope for the oikumene is the global church. That stated, it gives me pause reflect upon how it will give hope the church in Southern California. First, our assignment as panelists is react this text. Given time limitations, I can choose only few theses really caught my attention from among all of its salient points. For one thing, it affirms the church is in God's design in order God's people are equipped and sent out for the missio Dei, the mission of In this, it reaffirms the church is the creatura verbi, gift of the word of God, centred and grounded in the Gospel, the proclamation of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, Son of the Father. (4) I am Lutheran--at least, primarily so--hence, statements such as these, which uphold the church is God's action, not ours, warm my Lutheran heart. Another thesis struck me is the emphasis this text places upon diversity in the church, both legitimate and illegitimate. I deeply appreciate its distinction that, on the one hand, Legitimate diversity is not accidental the life of the Christian community but is rather an aspect of its catholicity, quality reflects the fact it is part of the Father's design salvation in Christ be incarnational and thus 'take flesh' among the various peoples whom the Gospel is proclaimed. (5) On the other hand, illegitimate diversity arises when [t]he essential catholicity of the Church is undermined when cultural and other differences are allowed develop into division. (6) Still another thesis caught my eye is the affirmation that the Church is not merely the sum of individual believers among themselves but, rather, a communion in the Triune God and, at the same time, communion whose members partake together in the life and mission of God ..., who, as Trinity, is the source and focus of all communion. Thus the Church is both divine and human reality. (7) From this, it follows in the Church in its various forms and levels, must be distinguished from mere power. (8) Having served for over three decades as pastor in mainline Protestantism, I know well the pitfalls of regarding the congregation as human enterprise, with planning processes, focus groups, and the like. Over and above all that, I have hope the church will be renewed by reaffirming instead comes from God the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit; as such it reflects the holiness of God. (9) But, herein lies challenge. text claims there is widespread agreement the Church is called proclaim, in each generation, the faith once for all entrusted the saints ... and remain steadfast in the teaching first handed on by the apostles. Faith is evoked by the Word of God, inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit, attested in Scripture and transmitted through the living tradition of the Church. It is confessed in worship, life, service and mission. (10) How is this defined? The sources of authority recognized in varying degrees by the churches such as Scripture, Tradition, worship, councils and synods, also reflect the holiness of the Triune Such authority is recognized wherever the truth which leads holiness is expressed and the holiness of God is voiced 'from the lips of children and infants. …

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