
Records at the University of Education, Winneba discloses that in 2017, the Vice Chancellor of the University, together with five other officers, was sacked. Following this situation was a massive transfer of staff members alleged to be sympathizers of the six dismissed staff members to other campuses of the institution and the suspension of some staff members. This led to several court hearings that made the University popular via the media with continuous controversies. This study is a case study conducted at the University of Education, Winneba that seeks to follow up on the implications of the primary court action that initiated the termination of appointments of staff members and examine the experiences of victims of the University's impasse between 2017 and 2022 when a High Court ruling directed the reinstatement of duty of the dismissed members. This study investigates the reintegration process of staff returning to the institution and seeks to examine the measures taken over the period to address the psychological implications of the impasse.

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