
Back to table of contents Previous article Next article From the PresidentFull AccessReflections on a Friend And ColleagueRichard Harding, M.D.Richard HardingSearch for more papers by this author, M.D.Published Online:1 Mar 2002https://doi.org/10.1176/pn.37.5.0003A friend and colleague, Steven Mirin, M.D., APA’s medical director since 1997, has informed the Board of Trustees of his decision to step down effective December 31, 2002. Our profession has been very fortunate to have extraordinary individuals as medical director during the last few decades.Dr. Mirin assumed the position of medical director, arguably the most important psychiatric administrative position in the country, at the end of the decade of the 90s. That decade had been most turbulent for our profession and for the patients we serve.For the last five years, Dr. Mirin has been a powerful advocate and spokesperson for our patients and our profession and a very capable leader of our Association. Only a few psychiatrists have his ability to advocate forcefully before federal and state legislators and help shape the agenda of regulatory bodies as they work on policies affecting parity, patients’ rights, and other key issues.With his leadership, APA has strengthened our commitment to quality care by establishing a new office, our Division of Clinical Services. He has worked with the leadership to develop the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education (APIRE) and worked to integrate all our publishing activities under the new American Psychiatric Publishing Inc. (APPI). With his help, APA created the Office of District Branch Relations and the Office of Career Development and Women’s Programs. He has also been a strong spokesperson for psychiatry and has greatly improved our relationships with other medical specialty societies.Space does not permit the full listing of his accomplishments. I know that I speak for the Board of Trustees in extending our gratitude and best wishes to Steve as he completes his term at the end of this year and takes on new professional challenges.Paul Appelbaum, M.D., president-elect of APA, and I have appointed a Search Committee, chaired by Herb Pardes, M.D., to propose candidates to the Board by fall. It is anticipated that the new medical director will be in place at the end of 2002, and Dr. Mirin has graciously agreed to work with his successor to accomplish a smooth transition.Dr. Mirin is fully engaged in his work as medical director and continues to pursue vigorously the important tasks that the membership and your elected leadership have on our agenda. I want to personally thank Steve for these five years of untiring service to our profession. I am sure that his family will enjoy seeing him in the evenings and on weekends even more than we will miss his presence at those meetings. ▪ ISSUES NewArchived

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