
In the 19th century, with the spread of nationalism movement, the power and capital on which the state was based changed, and man replaced the land. Mechanization and industrialization accelerated imperialism, and the application of the emphasis on competition in nature to social spheres in the theory of evolution became a means to legitimize capitalist competition and the paths applied. In order to stand out in the competitive environment, both the durable workforce for economic progress and the military power to defend the imperial competition gains were of great importance. While this situation increased the value of human life and therefore their bodies, it also gave rise to the idea that strong bodies are the basis of strong states and caused it to become widespread in a short time. The number of recreational areas such as parks and gardens and sports facilities that would increase the life capacity and quality of people increased, physical education and sports were included in the education curriculum of military and civilian schools, scouting and gymnastics formations were supported and all these developments spread rapidly in Europe. The Ottoman Empire also considered physical education and sports as a way to get rid of destruction, and the Republic of Turkey, established in its place, gave a special importance to physical education and sports as a means of preserving and maintaining its existence as a means of building robust generations.


  • 1.1 Introduce the ProblemIn the first half of the 19th century, when a direct relationship was observed between public health and the health of the state (Şişman, 2006), human life and health constituted the main2020, Vol 6, No 2 agenda of politics (Foucault, 2011)

  • Gymnastics institutions with these aims were born in a short time in the field of physical education and sports and spread throughout Europe in a short time

  • Gymnastics was used in hospitals to correct bodily irregularities, in factories to increase production efficiency, and in schools and the army to make the discipline effective (Holt & Vigarello, 2011)

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1.1 Introduce the ProblemIn the first half of the 19th century, when a direct relationship was observed between public health and the health of the state (Şişman, 2006), human life and health constituted the main2020, Vol 6, No 2 agenda of politics (Foucault, 2011). Physical education and sports at the point of displaying talent, or power in other words, found a privileged place in the policies of the states in a short time because they were a very direct and economic tool in the monarch point of raising strong soldiers to fight when necessary, durable workers to work in factories and robust generations. Gymnastics institutions with these aims were born in a short time in the field of physical education and sports and spread throughout Europe in a short time. In the context of social Darwinism, the perspective on physical education and sports in the early republican period, expectations from this field, and the programs and policies implemented were examined using the literature review method

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