
The research field of this article is focused on the analysis of Nocturne in a major by the forgotten and today unknown composer Gedymin prosper rodkiewicz, whose work has distinct features of romanticism, which corresponds to the period of his life in the context of the era: 1834-1891. Rodkiewicz belonged to the nobility, which traces its roots to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, was the owner of land estates in Juraciszki, Tokarządzki (located on the territory of the present Grodno region in the Republic of Belarus), two stone houses in Vilnius, which was the basis of the material existence of the composer, thanks to which he could turn to his passion – composing musical works. Gedymin left about 75 works that have survived to our days. All of them were written exclusively for the piano. Rodkiewicz turned once to the genre of Nocturne, which is an emblematic quality of the musical style of the era. Analyzing the character and illustrative content of this work, one can come to the bold conclusion that this Opus continues the line of" truly " romantic, full of dreams and contemplations of piano nocturnes, which J. field already defined this genre in general outlines.

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