
Neoliberalism is an economic system that advocates the spread of the free market idea, private enterprise, separation from the public, production, consumption and trade independence. The tendency of advanced capitalist countries to search for different production styles and places where they can produce under cheap conditions has led to the existence of neoliberal policies. With the neoliberal economic method, individual initiatives are given priority, and individual economic activities can exist within the theoretical line created by free economic activities. Neoliberalism first emerged in the 1970s with the aim of determining the social structure in parallel with economic developments in a way that would serve the interests of capital. Neoliberal policies, which adopt the approach that it is impossible to ensure the continuity of the social state understanding, also have reflections on the field of education. In this direction, primarily in order to provide the philosophical understanding of the system, educational institutions have been adapted to market conditions and individuals who can adapt to the system have been trained. With the adaptation plans carried out by the World Bank and the IMF in the 1980s, neoliberal policies are beginning to be reflected in the field of education. In this process, first of all, the content of the education is designed in line with the needs of the system, then the changes related to the economic resource of the education are determined and finally the infrastructure arrangements are made. In line with neoliberal policies, the priority in the regulations regarding the field of education is to provide the education of individuals with the necessary knowledge and ability to act in line with the demands of the market. The materials to be used in education are also determined by the needs of the market. Neoliberal education policies, which determine the basic approach centered on human capital, aim to train manpower who can work from every education level in a market-centered manner. With the neoliberal transformations in education, the value of standardized knowledge leaves its place to standardized success. Thus, education turns into a profit-oriented commercial institution within the free market mechanism, equality of opportunity in education becomes impossible, polarization becomes inevitable and the social structure moves away from democracy. Evaluation of the changes that exist in all processes of education is important in terms of the integrity and existence of the social structure. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the reflections of neoliberal policies on education, which is an important instrument of social and individual regeneration, and on the Turkish Education System.

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